Wolverhampton Suicide Prevention Stakeholder Forum


Wolverhampton Suicide Prevention Stakeholders Forum is active throughput the year with events and activities. The forum is made up of many organisations working together with support and hope.


City marks World Suicide Prevention Day


World Suicide Prevention Day

The efforts of individuals and organisations in Wolverhampton to aim to prevent suicide were highlighted on World Suicide Prevention Day.

Wolverhampton's Suicide Prevention Stakeholder Forum held a special event on 10 September 2019 to showcase the good work taking place to raise awareness of suicide prevention and the importance of good mental health and wellbeing, and to open up a dialogue around this complex issue.

The University of Wolverhampton offers suicide and self harm prevention training to staff and students through its Three Minutes to Save a Life programme, developed in collaboration with Connecting with People.

There were 6,507 suicides registered in the UK last year, with three quarters of these men. The most common age group for suicides was between 45 and 49 among both men and women.

Mayor of Wolverhampton Councillor Claire Darke, who has made the Wolverhampton Suicide Prevention Stakeholder Forum one of her chosen charities for her year in office, will be hosting Tuesday's event, attended by dozens of local organisations who are playing an important role in the city's suicide prevention strategy.

Councillor Darke said: "As we mark World Suicide Prevention Day, this event will be an important opportunity to showcase the good work being done by organisations and individuals across Wolverhampton to support people at their greatest time of need."
