Disabled persectives.
Celebrating Disability everywhere in everything.
European Network on Independent Living - ENIL
Freedom Drive and Conference
Strasbourg FRANCE. September 2009
Mr. Martin Naughton is the driving force behind the Independent Living movement in Ireland and was one of the founders of the first Irish Center for Independent Living (CIL) in 1992.
The Irish Independent Living movement is in turn part of a wider European and International movement that has its origins in America and is driven by people with disabilities themselves.
He is very experienced in the area of training and has facilitated the development of a lot of training programmes. Mr. Naughton has a strong management, strategic development, recruitment and facilitation background from his diversity of work experience which includes working as Interactive Co-ordinator with the Irish Wheelchair Association.
Juxtaposed his commitment and efforts with and on behalf of the Irish Independent Living movement, Mr. Naughton currently works as Regional Support Officer with the Disability Federation of Ireland.
500 Disabled People from 22 countries joined the Freedom Drive and Conference
EU Parliament Strasbourg France 2009
Interveiws include: